Pombo is an independent publishing house specialising in short fiction, novellas, non-fiction shorts, and thought-provoking reads designed to make a big impact in a small space.

We believe in doing things differently. Fiercely independent, we champion inclusivity, accessibility, and a rejection of gatekeeping in publishing. Our mission is to bring exceptional writing to the forefront while making the literary world more open and welcoming for all.

To find the books we want to publish, we run open submissions windows, aiming to be as transparent as possible about our process and expectations.

Alongside our books, we also publish zines and magazines, celebrating creativity, collaboration, and experimental storytelling across formats. These projects allow us to explore your many voices, styles, and ideas while staying true to our core values.

We work closely with our writers to refine, shape, and celebrate their work, offering meaningful editorial support and collaboration throughout the publishing journey.

We are equally passionate about supporting the wider literary community, regularly amplifying indie authors, small presses and DIY creators alongside our own publications.

At Pombo, quite simply, we love books and magazines.